Friday, 8 May 2015

Help Stacie Cycle No.3

Right so it's official I'm a terrible blogger, but I'm going to take my dad's advice of doing regular posts but smaller. So quick run down on what's happened since my last post. I'm officially a cyclist, took my rite of passage of a zero mph fall TWICE in one day in a very public place, I've just got rid of the bruises! So I changed my pedals back till my confidence grows. My time in the gym is not as good as it should be, lacking motivation or energy. But this week I've done my first HIIT class which I felt I did get hit in hit by a bus. My body is aching so much! But the more you're aching the better the class and exercise, getting your heart rate up, pushing your body to its limits as well as your mind,  my PT Danielle Booth has a habit of pushing you with words such as "mind over matter, your legs will not fail you!" She's right but sometimes I wish they would so I wouldn't have to feel the burn as much! Still working on the nutrition trying to create health with ease is a tad difficult for me, in regards to prepping but slowly getting there. On a progressive note though, my fitness is improving I don't die cycling up the hill to my house (I did the first) I'm seeing some definition and change in my body (the booty is forming nicely watch JLo) and most importantly I'm feeling better in myself.

Now onto a fresh start Monday I start my new job, hopefully followed with some fresh perspective watch this space :)

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