Thursday, 19 March 2015

Help Stacie Cycle No.2

Hi Guys,

Ok been a while longer than I would of liked, trying for once a week but had a slight delay, wasn't sure what I wanted to write. But finally sat at my laptop with a glass of a red ready to write. I've had a very productive evening, had my weekly kick ass session with Danielle, she put me through my paces as always. Was a very successful session feeling strong after it can feel the improvement. She had me doing some resistance work, with cardio interval training, by the end of it my legs was about to give way, she'd worked me so hard. But despite my jelly legs and trying to catch my breath back and hydrate again, I felt so much better about myself. Got some iron pumping, heart beat racing, pushing myself to my limits. So why is it that I only feel like this after I've had my arse kicked by D? Well because I have someone there to keep me on the straight and narrow, no slacking or cheating (which is what I do on my own) and the whole reason I got a personal trainer in the first place and she is worth every penny! So how can I push myself the same way she does when she isn't around? I'm hearing you all believe me I am "Just Do It" "You're only cheating yourself" or a favorite of my boyfriend is "Who am I doing this for?" ...low I know, guilt tripping me into going and working hard but it works and reminds me why I am doing it. Saying and doing are two very different things and sometimes the latter can be tricky, finding the motivation, the time and the will power to push, it can be challenging to achieve all 3. So as I am training for an intense event I need to prepare and find a way to overcome my challenges and in order to do this I need to actually go to the gym more than I currently because I am only letting myself down and wasting my money, plus I do feel crappy if I don't because I am letting myself down and everyone who is supporting me and donating. My task is to go to the gym 4 times a week, this is the plan: 1 session with ass kicker, 1 pilates/yoga/body balance class (stretching out and elongating them aching muscles and relaxing my body and mind, on the subject I did my first Pilates class in a long time this evening after my session with D and it was amazing, you learn so much more about your body and what it needs along with relaxing and focusing your mind, you feel somewhat at peace with yourself, very cliche I know and I am sorry however it is very true!) Anyways back on my tasks...1 swimming session and 1 session where I do my personal program Danielle was  kind enough to create for me, then anything on top of that is a bonus. This is my weekly task and the plan is to post a blog about it at the end of it for you folks to read to let you know on my progress or any struggles I've had. With me so far? Cool, now onto the fundraising update, I have the best father in the world, he is so supportive and has been helping me get sponsors. Which has took me nicely over the half way mark of my minimum target of 1k, he has managed to get me some pretty hefty donations which is truly amazing and he is part of my motivation. Knowing he is supporting me in whatever way he can means the world, and I now have more people I can't let down and more money going into the honey pot, I have to keep going and pushing, pushing harder than the last time. Along with physical training, you have to be very aware of nutrition, the pair go hand in hand for a successful outcome and been able to maximize your body results. My diet isn't that bad but it could be a lot better, I'm sucker for the sweet stuff...that's another one of my tasks, let's see how this week goes eh? I'm going to try breaking old habits and making new ones, what will you be doing?? I'll keep you posted, any tips or advice feel free to comment I'd love to read it #helpstaciecycle


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Really proud of you, you're an inspiration to us all. Love Dad x
